The family behind Avenues of HopeWe are committed to fight the war against suicide by helping people find human connection and to provide healthy ways to deal with mental illness, loss and grief in a safe environment.
Our family lost our 26 year old son to suicide on Jan 13, 2019. SSgt Alexander Mitchell was serving in the US Air Force. He served as a TACP and was attached to the 19th ASOS. Alex was deployed in South Korea at the time of his death but had previously been deployed to Iraq. He was very much respected and had a bright future with the Air Force. The men and women in his squadron said of him, “there is far less evil in this world because of Alex.” |
We believe that PTSD played a role that lead to his taking his life. Five months later on June 11, 2019 we lost a second son to suicide who suffered from survivors guilt and just couldn’t stay in this life without his younger brother. Trevin was 31 years old. I know that my journey to healing will be to join with others to fight this devastating epidemic of suicide in the military and in the public. Avenues of Hope’s long term goal is to have a safe place that people can come to during that dark time and find avenues of hope that can help them continue to have reasons to live.